Stewed cuttlefish with peas



Stewed cuttlefish with peas is a simple but very tasty recipe, which combines two delicate flavors that go perfectly together. By cooking slowly and over a low heat, the cuttlefish remains very tender, whether you use large cuttlefish cut into pieces or small cuttlefish that you can leave whole. To flavor stewed cuttlefish with peas, it is a good idea to add some canned anchovies to the sautéed onion; the addition of tomato, however, is optional but gives the dish an extra touch of color and flavor. Halfway between a soup and a stew, cuttlefish with peas is perfect to serve with slices of toasted bread to dip in its delicious sauce!

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Cuttlefish 35 oz (1 kg) - cleaned
Peas 3 cups (430 g) - shelled; fresh or frozen
Canned tomatoes 1 cup (340 g) - chopped
Anchovies in oil 3 fillets
Onions 1
White wine ½ glass
Extra virgin olive oil 3 tbsp
Fish broth 2 cups (470 ml) - or vegetable broth
Salt 1 pinch
Pepper to taste
Parsley 1 sprig - chopped

How to prepare Stewed cuttlefish with peas

To prepare stewed cuttlefish with peas, first take care of the cuttlefish. If they are very small, you can leave them whole, otherwise open the body in half and cut it into strips. Cut the tentacles into pieces; keep everything aside.

Finely chop half an onion. Take a large pot with a thick bottom and add the oil, the chopped onion and the anchovies. Slightly fry everything over low heat for 2 or 3 minutes.

When the anchovies have melted, add the cuttlefish and brown them over low heat for a couple of minutes, stirring often.

Add a pinch of salt, raise the heat to the maximum and pour in the white wine.

Let it evaporate for about a minute, until you no longer smell alcohol, then lower the heat and add the peas and the chopped canned tomato. Immediately pour in half a cup of hot broth. Season with salt and pepper and cover with a lid.

Cook cuttlefish and peas over low heat for about 35 minutes. While they are cooking, stir them from time to time and, when it is necessary, add a little more hot broth to keep the stew always very moist. 

After 35 minutes, taste a piece of cuttlefish to verify that it is cooked properly: if it is tender, remove the lid and let the sauce thicken slightly, then turn off the heat and add the chopped parsley. If, on the other hand, it is still a bit tough, continue cooking for 5-10 minutes.

Serve stewed cuttlefish with peas accompanied by slices of lightly toasted bread.

How to store

You can store stewed cuttlefish with peas in the refrigerator, closed in a glass container, for a couple of days.


If you want to cook stewed cuttlefish without tomato you can omit it, but you will need a little more broth. 

If you use frozen peas, it is not necessary to defrost them before adding them to the cuttlefish. If instead you want to use canned peas, add them after about 25 minutes from the start of cooking.

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