Spinach pie



Spinach pie

We have always loved pies: versatile and easy to make, they are the perfect solution for rustling up a last minute meal with few ingredients! With cauliflower and fennel in the winter and cherry tomatoes and eggplants in the summer, these delicious pies can be prepared all year round, by adding seasonal vegetables to the filling of the delicious recipe. At the table they can be served as a starter, perhaps cut into small and practical squares, or as a rich second course, for a perfect vegetarian option, just like the recipe we'll present to you now: spinach pie. A shell of crumbly shortcrust pastry with a soft filling enriched by sauteed spinach. Without a doubt this is one of the most more'ish ways to enjoy vegetables!


Butter ½ cup (100 g) - cold
Type 00 flour 1 ⅔ cup (200 g)
Water ¼ cup (50 g) - cold
Fine salt to taste
Black pepper to taste
For the spinach
Spinach 1.25 lbs (550 g)
Fresh scallion 1 oz (30 g) - (around 2)
Extra virgin olive oil to taste
Fine salt to taste
For the filling
Eggs 3
Whipping cream 1 cup (200 g)
Caciocavallo cheese 3 oz (80 g)
Thyme to taste

How to prepare Spinach pie

To make spinach pie, start by preparing the shortcrust pastry dough: place the flour and cold diced butter in a bowl 1, knead with your finger tips to obtain a crumbly consistency 2 and add the salt 3.

Add the pepper 4, then gradually add the cold water 5, continue mixing all the while to obtain a smooth dough 6.

Place it on a pastry board and shape into a dough loaf. Wrap it in plastic wrap 8 and leave to firm up in the refrigerator for around 1 hour. In the meantime, tip the spring onion and cut into slices 8. Add a drizzle of oil to a pan, followed by the spring onion and leave to brown for a couple of minutes 9.

Now add the washed spinach 10; cover with the lid 11 and cook for 5 minutes 12.

Once cooked, add salt and pepper 13. Leave to one side. Take the shortcrust pastry dough loaf and roll it out on a pastry board lightly sprinkled with flour 14 until a thin layer is formed 12.

Butter an 8" (22 cm) diameter pie pan. Place the dough over it using a rolling pin 16 and make sure it adheres to the bottom and sides; now cut away any excess dough 17. The base for the savory pie is ready 18.

Now prepare the filling: place the eggs and cream in the bowl of a mixer 19. Blend with an immersion mixer 20. Finely dice the cheese 21.

Place half of the spinach on the shortcut pastry base 22. Add the cream sauce 23 followed by the diced cheese 34.

Now add the thyme leaves 25 and remaining spinach 26, evenly distributed over the base 27.

Roll out the remaining shortcut pastry dough and cut into strips that are around 0.8 inches (2 cm) wide 28. Decorate the pie with these strips, forming lozenges 29 and bake in a static oven preheated to 360°F (180°C) for 55 minutes. Once baked, remove your spinach pie 30 and leave to cool before removing from the pan and serving.


Store the spinach pie in the refrigerator and finish within 2 days. You can freeze the pie once baked.


Lovers of more decisive flavors can make a different cream by replacing the caciocavallo cheese with 4.25 oz (120 g) of gorgonzola.

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