Persimmon, Arugula, and Fennel Salad
- Very easy
- 20 min
Say goodbye to complicated recipes when time is short, but never compromise on flavor! For salad lovers, even in winter, you can find delightful combinations of ingredients like cabbage or the aromatic pairing of orange and fennel. There are many salad versions starring these two ingredients, with the Sicilian version featuring olives and red onions being a notable example. Today, we're excited to share one that has captivated us with its lightness: the Fennel and Orange Salad. Oranges and fennel unite with the crunch of pumpkin seeds and pine nuts, seasoned with the aroma of raisins and a light dressing that adds a swirl of fruity notes to this tantalizing side dish. It's a refreshing alternative to the classic pan-fried, baked, or au gratin fennel! Are you already drooling? It's true, salads have never been this enticing!
Discover other appetizing salad recipes:
To prepare the fennel and orange salad, start by squeezing the juice of 1 orange 1 and soaking the raisins 2 in the juice obtained: let them rehydrate this way for at least 10 minutes. Meanwhile, peel the other orange 3 and remove both ends. Be careful to eliminate the bitter white part of the peel.
Slice it into very thin slices 4 and set aside. Proceed by washing and drying the fennel. Place it on a cutting board and remove the stalks and green fronds with a clean cut 5. Also remove the base and the tougher, woodier outer leaves. Then cut its heart into very thin julienne strips using a mandoline 6.
Transfer it into a bowl with acidulated water to preserve its color until use 7. Now pour the pine nuts into a non-stick pan 8 and toast them 9 for a few minutes: set them aside to cool down.
In the meantime, the raisins will have been rehydrated: drain them 10 and set them aside, while you pour the juice into a container with high sides 11, adding the vinegar 12.
Add the oil 13 and adjust the salt 14: blend all the ingredients with an immersion blender.
You will need to obtain a homogeneous emulsion 16. At this point, you will have all the ingredients ready to compose your salad: drain the fennel 17 and pour them into a large bowl to which you will add the raisins 18.
Add the oranges 19, seasoning with the emulsion you have obtained 20 and the pine nuts 21.
Add a crunchy note by pouring in pumpkin seeds 22 and mix well all the ingredients 23. Your fennel and orange salad is now ready to be served 34!